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Maximum security lock BDL SBS Vertical

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Maximum security lock BDL SBS Vertical
Product Details

Maximum security lock for trucks for hinged doors

The BDL SBS security lock for trucks ensures 100% locking of the truck doors.
*Optional padlock
SBS security closures meet the stringent requirements to achieve a TAPA TSR certification. Cargo theft and loss of pharmaceuticals and high-value products are becoming more common. As a result, the requirements for the transport of this type of goods are also becoming more stringent. With a TAPA certification, you demonstrate that the goods in your supply chain are properly protected.
Don't let thieves steal your merchandise and secure it with the SBS BDL security lock. This is a robust steel locking system that fits trailers with revolving doors and temperature controlled trailers.
It is fixed on the door and the chassis of the truck, protecting the special lock from theft, which is included.
The padlock can be delivered in both master key and multi-key systems, so you can, for example, combine an Andis 1100 (pivot lock) and a BDL in the same key system. Each lock comes with a clear installation manual.
You can be sure that no one will steal your merchandise. From now on you can leave your truck parked in complete safety because it will be well secured with the BDL SBS security locking system.
Prevents cutting with a radial saw
Flexible system (multiple keys)
Installation kit for refrigerated trailers
Optional With or WITHOUT padlock, select.
* Postage not included

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