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Replacement PVC slat curtain strip

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Replacement PVC slat curtain strip
Product Details

PVC slat curtain strip for replacement or replacement.

Slat mounted with stainless steel acro plate and counterplate. 10cm and 3 meters of PVC slat for freezing.
Transparent color
Material: PVC
Application: Transportation doors, warehouses, commercial kitchens,
refrigerators and freezers, cold rooms, loading docks

Length: 3m
Width: 200mm
Thickness: 2mm
Plates: 10cmADVANTAGES:
Reduce heat loss and entry of dust or fumes
Good visibility reduces the risk of accidents
Long lasting, since PVC does not rot
Reduce insect and bird nuisance
Wall mount/hanging rail is available in 980mm strips
Forming a vertical curtain, they are effectively fixed using the easy-to-place system, making them ideal for internal doors and personnel access. Its design is focused on preventing the entry of insects and debris and controlling the temperature by keeping the door open.

These PVC strip curtains are a cost-effective, low-maintenance option for replacing doors in large spaces, such as factory and warehouse floors. It is essential to consider the appropriate PVC thickness and overlapping and adjustment needs depending on the environment before purchasing. Discover how these PVC curtains can improve your environment and facilitate access and temperature management!

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